Wednesday, 8 January 2014

How Cloud is All Over Medium Size Business

Cloud is a buzz word in the year 2014. According to the report published by Frost and Sullivan, a leading research analyst firm, few of the important reasons for mid-sized companies to adopt Cloud Services are :

Avoid Expansion of Data Center Facilities
When one thinks of Data Center, there could be times that many mid sized companies are not able to afford it. The answer to such situation is with the cloud,“On premise” data center facilities. 

Strengthen Business Community
Small business houses are much at ease to adopt inefficiencies and process hiccups but as and when the company grows to mid-size , it time to re-analyze their potential and take a deep look at these service interruptions. Cloud comes naturally to dilute such problems and focus on the best and outsource their IT needs to companies who have the IT operation as their primary focus.

Solution for Disaster Recovery
Up surging business houses is becoming more reliant to the IT infrastructure. There could be times when the system fail to support and cause losses. With Data Centers, you can be secured to recover from the outrages and system failure. Also with predominant natural disasters and terrorist attacks, it is enforcing companies to adopt cloud data centers for unfortunate events.

High ROI
If you running a business, be it small, mid or large, ROI plays an important role in determining the player you are. Recent of the mid sized business have realized that they can earn High ROI from outsourcing their needs to the Cloud.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Take Over The World With Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing has become a part of life stepping in at the time when it is most needed. Cloud Computing has been easily integrated with our technologies providing the impeccable service we have always been looking for. Major reason to use cloud has been to store documents, interact and entertain ourselves.

Here are the three ways that the cloud would be all over the world

•    Soon you would be able to see cloud everywhere. The change has already begun with iPhone and PC running on Windows 8. The applications that we use are nothing more than the cloud based program that we check every day in the form of Social Networks, do work and entertain ourselves.

•    If you say no to the above point, then it’s time to realize that you do. Does your business use Sharepoint, SkyDrive or DataBagg. The Cloud has already seeped in your life and there is no looking back in that.

•    Cloud retains your past in the most beautiful way it could. Remember the last snapped photograph of your ex uploaded on Facebook ? If you have not destroyed it, then it would be still waiting to be detected. Be careful , because they can show too

After making the above points, don’t be afraid of Cloud as a benevolent ruler. Here is the best reason that indicates that Cloud Computing is not a terrible thing.

•    This means that you want to connect to friends watch TV, play game or listen to some music without searching.

•    Efficient and Time Saving.  It allows people to team up from within the same office and from the same country.

•    Being on Cloud enables you to access anything from anywhere with any computer.